Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Student Leader Chronicles: The Grand University Recruitment Week

A few weeks ago, the Council of Student Organization and the University Student Council organized The Grand University Recruitment Week participated by the different Recognized Student Organization, Auxiliary groups, Performing Arts Group and Political parties DLSU-D. This event was held in our university's lake park.

 It was a fun-filled for the students and student leaders alike as they showcase their respective organizations. The event started of with a grand parade around the university proper. Although the participants were considerably fewer, we were happy that students from the Senior High Department and their professors watched as we passed their side of the campus. The rest of the day was spent on decorating the booths and recruiting new members.

This  year in particular, a lot of the organizations took advantage of social media by publicizing posters and updates about their booths in platforms like Facebook and Twitter. A lot of organization also gave away free food for new/old registered members. Here a few examples from DLSU-D Lifters, a religious student organization. They chose the give away bread as was often told in the Bible! I like how they related the nature of their organization to the concept of the recruitment strategy. The other post is from the Lasallian First Aiders - Red Cross Youth, an interest organization which in my understading is widely patronized by med students (atleast in our university, but anyone interest may join)

In the end the event wasn't perfect but no event every is! What's important is that the organization was able to expose themselves to the students and a lot of new members were recruited! this is a good way to find and train new student leaders who will one day become the officers of their respective organizaion!

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored. Credits  to DLSU-D Heraldo Filipino, Lifters, LSFA-RCY and CSO for the photos!