Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Investing in Experiences: Online Stock Trading Seminar

Last Monday, I attended the Online Stock Trading Seminar of the DLSU-D JFINEX. It's their annual stock trading seminar which aims to encourage students to create their on online stock accounts and start investing early. For 2 years, COL Financial has been their partner in spreading financial literacy and letting the community know that investing in stocks are not only for the rich and wealthy but for every Filipino! COL also set up a booth where student are inquire and fill up account forms.

Mr. Jed Velarde, a training consultant from COL Financial, was invited to talk this year. I really enjoyed listening to him and he gave us a lot of tips on how we should perceive the market and look at it from a long term perspective. He gave a lot of stories and analogies that were simple yet effective that both students and professors understood and related upon like comparing the amount of groceries you can buy then and now to explain inflation. He is such an engaging speaker and was able to even make students laugh at some of his jokes. 

I learned 3 important things from Mr. Velarde which are:

Be an Investor - Mr. Jed encouraged us to think of ourselves as investors in the stock market and not traders. Traders are usually does person who closely watch the market and day trade which is to buy and sell a stock on the same and gain profit through  share price appreciation. He told us that it would that, although there is nothing wrong with being a trader, it entails a lot of risks and as students who wish to maximize the growth potential of our portfolio we have yet to afford such risks. He recommend being an investor instead where you can continuously invest in the market.

Invest for the Long Term - We should also invest in the market with a long horizon in mind. The market is constantly changing however, in the end, its trend will always go up especially in a developing country like the Philippines which still has so much potential to grow moving forward. Which is why if you are going to invest now, keep in mind that you will doing so for the next 30 to 40 years into the future.

Do it Regularly - Invest in the market regularly. Mr. Velarde suggests monthly, quarterly or maybe semiannually and make sure to invest in stocks with good fundamental which will certainly continue to grow and be more profitable in the future. The trick to this strategy is to continue investing even if the market if high or low. COL Financial  believes that thru peso cost averaging you will be able to create a sizeable portfolio with low cost stocks especially in the long term and you may do this as well through their EIP.

So if you are a student and you are interested in creating your own stock account you may do so thru COL Financial starting with 5000PHP. Here's what you'll need to open one. I hope you'll find it helpful and see you in the next post! 

Disclaimer: This post is sponsored or anything of that sort. Also credits to the DLSU-D JFINEX for the posters and guidelines on the COL account requirements.

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