Monday, June 13, 2016

Invest in Experiences: Maybank Go Ahead Challenge (MGAC) 2016 Campus Level

It is so important to take time and effort and invest in experiences especially when you are still in university or studying. Experiences puts you in an advantage over others students because they really are a way of helping you grow and making you more aware and skilled in your field of expertise.

Last Saturday (June 11, 2016) out of thousands of applicants, I was blessed to be shortlisted for  the Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2016 Campus Level in De La Salle University Manila and let me tell you, it was such a unique experience! It was a fun and engaging business case challenge where we were tested physically and mentally, focusing on our attention to detail and quick decision-making skills.

The challenge started by grouping all 101 contestants into 18 groups. I was grouped randomly with students from DLSU, DLSU-D and PUP. After a few minutes, the first activity was announced as a race to test our physical abilities. I guess this is to test how we will fair especially when we get to nationals and international level where you have to roam around the city to do different tasks. After a fun but tiring race, we were quickly instructed to get ready for a case study. The case was very unfamiliar for me since its a topic which is not a common topic upon on Catholic schools and after quick preparations were presented our case to the panels defending our decision.

After a long and nerve wrecking waiting, the panels decided to select 50 from the 101 participants to advance to the next cases where more presentations and defenses were made.
10 students from our campus joined but sadly none of us made it to the National Level. However, the experience that I gained from joining was really priceless. I was able to make new friends and I really felt stronger and more assure in myself after the event.

The challenge gave me a glimpse of how multinational companies might work in the real world and how each decision and each faction of a society matters. I learned that there are bigger things at stake in making management decision than any of what I've learned in any of my classes.The Challenge thought me that, although we have no control or we can't control the outcomes and consequences of your decisions but we have to make do with what we have and that we should be firm with your decisions no matter what!

This is Jernica and I have to say Maybank Go Ahead Challenge 2016 has helped me Unhide my Might!

'Til next week!


Disclaimer: Not sponsored or anything of the sort

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