Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Investing in Experiences: Stock Market Challenge

Hi guys!

Today, I want to talk about JCFAP's Stock Market Challenge, a national wide portfolio challenge. The mechanics are simple. Participants must make a team of 3 and trade using the Investagrams platform. Each team will be given PHP 100,000 (virtual money, of course) to trade with. The goal of the competition is to get the largest profit from your portfolio starting October to December 2016.

At first, I was excited and optimistic in playing. My teammates and I have been investing for quite sometime and so we pretty much know the basics. However, trading is different from investing and this challenge made me realize that I'm not a good trader (at all). The challenge for us students is that, university demands a lot of projects and outputs from us that, in all honesty, it is hard to find time to monitor the market movement. 

We were mostly busy with activities, exams, and reviews. Sometimes, we tend to forget to check our Investagrams portfolio. Although we have enjoyed some gains, there were more losses than what was expected. This is also due to the current market condition - The US Presidential elections and other local government uncertainties greatly affected the short term volatility (or the price movements) of the market even though the company's are actually doing well.

The competition is still not over and we will still be playing with the SMC, but I realized that investing is the strategy that would work best for me. I would rather stay in the market for the longer term as this suits my financial needs more.

How about you? Are you a trader or an investor?

Disclaimer: This are my personal thoughts about the competition. Credits to JCFAP for the image above! :)

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