Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Investing in Experience: UP INVST | IPOV

Hi guys! I am back!

As I've said in my previous post, I really want to continue doing this blog, and so, here's my post about my UP Invst adventure with my friends, Mikee (left) and Jela (Center).  Yup, the little girl on the right is me.

After 2 research rounds we got a chance to a apart of the 5 finalists of UP INVST. We were then given roughly around a week to practice for our presentation which was held on PSE Ortigas last December 10, 2016. Thankfully our professors and the department was supportive enough to excuse us from our class so that we may prepare for the finals.

It was my first time joining a competition and I was really nervous because we were competing against students from ADMU and UP-D but we still manage to piece out a 10-min presentation for our case.

By the time, we were on the venue, I kept freaking out and forgetting my lines. I remember stuttering a few times while delivering my parts but I was generally surprised that 15 minutes (with a Q & A portion) came by so fast.

After that, we were able to rest for a few minutes before they announce the winners, and we were really surprised to be called on stage! We won 2nd runner up and won a cash prize!

All in all it was a good experience. I really encourage students to just go and join extra curricular or competitive activities because they will be able to challenge you beyond how the four corners of the classroom can ever do and remember, there's no harm in trying out new things!

Friday, March 17, 2017

IPOV: Blog Updates and New Direction

Hi guys!

I know that I've been in hiatus for such a long time. A lot of things have happened after the Christmas break -- school issues, internship, unstable internet connections, lots of drama. But on that note, I think that I would be able to share more of my experiences with you guys, more than just finance!

I would still continue this blog because I want to share my passion for finances and also inspire other people to go out of their comfort zones especially in terms of money matters. But I also realized that I could share more than that which is why I also plan to write about my life experiences, hacks, maybe travel. This blog might turn into a new direction but we'll see.

I still want to call all of those experiences as 'investing.' In what you may ask? Well, I am investing on life and its adventures.

I am aiming to blog at least once a month. But you'l be from my upcoming post on why this is the most probable scenario for me.

Until next time!
