Friday, March 17, 2017

IPOV: Blog Updates and New Direction

Hi guys!

I know that I've been in hiatus for such a long time. A lot of things have happened after the Christmas break -- school issues, internship, unstable internet connections, lots of drama. But on that note, I think that I would be able to share more of my experiences with you guys, more than just finance!

I would still continue this blog because I want to share my passion for finances and also inspire other people to go out of their comfort zones especially in terms of money matters. But I also realized that I could share more than that which is why I also plan to write about my life experiences, hacks, maybe travel. This blog might turn into a new direction but we'll see.

I still want to call all of those experiences as 'investing.' In what you may ask? Well, I am investing on life and its adventures.

I am aiming to blog at least once a month. But you'l be from my upcoming post on why this is the most probable scenario for me.

Until next time!


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